Verified Patient
"Excellent at explaining conditions and treatments. Took time to answer all my questions. Provided excellent follow-up. Cleanliness and Occupational hygiene were of the upmost importance to him. His staff was extremely knowledgeable, polite and always acted in a courteous manner. Scheduling was a high priority with the least amount of disruption for the patient. I think this was the best experience I have ever had with a medical problem! "Webmd
Verified Patient
"So glad I chose to stay with a local doctor for this procedure. My wife wanted me to look at doctors from out of town thinking they would be better. But from our very first appointment I knew I made the right decision. I was still recovering from rotator cuff surgery when I was contemplating the hip replacement. I could tell the he cared more about my well being instead of just saying let’s do the operation. He wanted to be sure my body would be able to handle another major operation and that it wouldn’t have a negative effect on my physical therapy for my shoulder. Both doctors worked together to make it possible and it went perfectly. Everything has healed properly and I am back to living my normal active life. I would highly recommend the doctors at Froedtert & HFM. "Webmd
Verified Patient
"Very good. He answered any questions I had. He was concise and confident in what he needed to do in my case. The procedure went well and I felt better than I expected to feel. I would highly recommend Dr Linoni. "Webmd